Disney Princess Mine of Mine Part 5 Game Grumps
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Punch-Out!!! (NES)
- Danny starts off his Game Grumps reign by doing the one thing that would drive Jon crazy: belching.
- The two come up with alternate names for Von Kaiser, including Nazi Von Killyou.
- Arin's impersonation of Piston Honda.
- During the fight against Great Tiger in part 2, Arin reveals that he never knew about the stars you receive for countering an opponent's moves.
Dan: Get outta here! How did you you beat anybody?
Arin: I didn't.
- Danny attempting to counter Bald Bull's infamous charge attack...and failing miserably both times.
Danny: Eat a dick! (fails to counter and gets instantly KOed) AGH! I am the one who must eat a dick!
- This turns into a Running Gag when he faces Bald Bull a second time.
- "Can you imagine if your entire body was made of ballsack material?"
- Arin and Dan tell a tale of Randy Savage fighting off the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
- The Grumps imagine what Don Flamenco's voice sounds like and what he might be saying. It just gets funnier from there.
- Dan manages to get a star off Mike Tyson... and then gets curb stomped immediately after.
Dan: [after getting a star] Wha? oh hey! *Tyson pummels Dan* OH NO! I-I PISSED HIM OFF!
Arin: *laughing*
Dan: HE'S ANGRY NOW! he's like *Mike Tyson voice* "I was just trying to get the sweat out of my eyes"
* Dan and Arin laugh uncontrollably as Little Mac goes down in a TKO* - Dan and Arin discuss how the hell did Mike Tyson get the wink in the game, then figuring that he probably had some creative input.
Dan: (Mike Tyson impersonation) Can I wink at em'? Can I wink at da playa? Cause, I mean, I always wanted to do dat, but I'm too scared...
- Glittery Jim.
- A certain mook's hilariously futile attempts at shooting the Grumps' tanks.
- Here?
- The mines.
"Hold on, I see some mines! I'll get them!"
Mega Man 2
- From Part 3, Crash Man and Flash Man's friends
- Dinosaur Loogie Fun!
Dan: (Nasty as hell loogie sounds)
- Arin dies within the first second of beginning part 10.
Arin: Alright, welcome - (falls in spikes)
- Arin succesfully convincing Dan that Dr. Wily is an alien.
- "Everything about this game is strange and...bad."
Journey to Silius
- Danny's impression of a dot matrix printer.
- "Next time on Game Grumps, we dive deeper into this schlong."
- Part 2: Arin and Danny discussing Telemundo, referring to a (non-existent) show called Buenos Ding-Dong Diddly Diaz.
- The end of part 2. Dan confuses Game Grumps for Steam Train.
Danny: Next time on Steam Train!
Arin: This is Game Grumps.
Danny: Oh, wait! FUCK! - The "coffee spider" bit from the beginning of part 3.
- The whole segment with Hoshi the sad Asian man during part 5.
- The highlight of the entire shtick is how, after spending several minutes building up this amazing, sympathetic character, they turn it all around in an instant.
Danny: That's how you break down an unassailably lovable character - just make him a pedophile!
- The highlight of the entire shtick is how, after spending several minutes building up this amazing, sympathetic character, they turn it all around in an instant.
Out of This World
- Mike Aruba.
- The "swimming songs" from part 3.
- Danny talking about Arin's eggs:
Dan: You made some great eggs this morning...that makes it sound like we slept together last night.
- After their unabashed praise for the game's creator:
Dan: You know what, if I could sum up everything in one word, it would be "Good". [Beat] Just kidding it's "My Caruba".
Kirby's Epic Yarn
- The running gag. Kirby and Prince Fluff? Adorable. Kirby and Prince Fluff as gangsters? Hilarious.
- About halfway through the series, Barry begins making the image of Yarn Kirby on the YouTube thumbnail bigger and bigger until it completely obstructs everything at the finale.
- Dan's insistence on calling the Waddle Dees "monkeys".
- And then compounded by Arin correcting him every time— while repeatedly forgetting whether it was a Waddle Dee or a Waddle Doo.
- The duo jokingly saying that the person who designed a game as cute as this was possibly a massive racist in real life.
- They also theorize that the pianist was fuming internally at the state of affairs in his life.
Danny: I call this one Close Your Legs, Whore— I mean, Sleeping Giants Snore.
- Danny and Arin have a rather candid discussion on their adolescences. Especially of note is how Dan claimed to have gotten a neck brace.
- "There's a fuckin' hitch in my giddy-up!"
- Danny makes up a crass yet snappy rhyme about women completely on the fly, and immediately afterwards asks Barry to edit it out. Realizing that the rhyme's probably going to be left in regardless, he instead instructs Barry to make a small rap around it. Barry responds by turning the rhyme into beat poetry.
- From Part 6: Prince Fluff leaving Kirby to die in the lava, maniacally laughing, only to have it horribly backfire on him. Even funnier in animated form.
- Danny at the start of the same part: "Hey, this is your late night DJ Danny Sexbang and welcome back to Game Grumps-OH GOD THERE'S LAVA!!"
- Anything relevant to clownpenis.fart in part 7.
- Dan and Arin's trouble with crossing the river on the dinosaur heads from the same part.
- The conversation they have as Kirby and Prince Fluff in part 9.
Fluff: *Gets so close to Kirby that they're inside each other* Yo this one time-
Kirby: You're a little close.
Fluff: Keep it a secret.
Kirby: Little close.
Fluff: *Walks away so little that they're still touching* Good?
Kirby: Still pretty close.
Fluff: *Walks only a tiny bit away* Yeah?
Kirby: Like, 40 more feet.
Fluff: *Walks to the other edge of the screen* Yo!
Kirby: What?
Fluff: Yoo!
Kirby: *Beat* What?
Fluff: I don't think he can hear me. I don't think you can hear me!
Kirby: *Beat* What?
Fluff: Imma come closer! *Both walk so close they're inside each other again* Alright imma tell you a secret.
Kirby: You're a little close. - The duo deciding that 90s rock music wouldn't be as popular if Kurt Cobain was named "Burt Cobain".
- Justin Guarnini: Blackish?
- "Denim denim denim". Bonus points for Danny's "Oh no."
- Danny gets serious.
- They posit that the business name Spinnaker sounds like a racial slur and proceed to go wild.
- Bonus points when they start describing the possible associated stereotypes.
- Arin gives Dan some tips on learning the true meaning of Christmas.
- "Next time on Steam Train..."
- Part 28 has Kracko showing up. The Grumps are understandably confused and scared.
- At the finale, Arin's request for Barry to put up "forty heads... all of them Dave Coulier." combined with Dan's request to give one oddly dark skin.
- Dan's reaction to the game being over.
- In Part 25, Arin and Dan visit a website of bad jokes. Hilarity Ensues.
Super Castlevania IV
- In part 4, Danny says his bodily composition is 70% water and 30% dick.
- Also from part 4, Danny and Arin also trying to get a Skittles sponsorship for all the Skittles Danny eats.
"Dear Skittles, I eat you every day..."
- The Stinger, in which Arin gives the viewers a tutorial on how to suck a dick.
- Plus the added bonus of Dan, having left the room prior, walking in on this.
- Also from part 4, Danny and Arin also trying to get a Skittles sponsorship for all the Skittles Danny eats.
- The two talking about the only time Will Smith uses the word 'yo.'
"YO-YO! Hand me that yo-yo!"
- Drump and Gorp, complete with logos.
- Part 7, the library puns.
Danny: This is a dangerous library...
Arin: Isn't it...
Danny: I hope you've familiarized yourself with the Dewey DEATHimal system!
Arin: Reading is funDEADmental! - The Jewish Mother gag in Part 8 is hilarious - Danny essentially plays Ego's mother who keeps comparing him to his cousin.
Danny: I love my prune bran.- "Can anything facilitate pooping more than prune bran?!" and the discussion about panicked runs to the bathroom when you're about to have diarrhea during dinner. Even funnier if you've read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, where a man actually does use the excuse "Someone put shit in my pants!"
- The entire Bill Nye scene
Bill Nye: Bill Nye here.
Arin: Hey Bill, um I was wondering, do you have a sec?
Bill Nye: I told you never to call me here again.
Arin: All right, hey, does molasses go fast on a summer Sunday?
Bill Nye: I'm gonna call the police.
Arin: How could you? You're already on the phone with me.
Bill Nye: ...Looks like you're the Science Guy now. - The two doing hilariously over the top Dracula impersonations.
- In part 10, the mention of Arin creating a Danny soundboard:
I had a stroke the other day. - POLIO IS CURED. Nintendo game apparently had the solution. note (set to the Mega Man level selection music)
- "Polio's been solved."
- The "conversation" the Grumps imagine between main character Sky and the eyball-spawning enemy.
Enemy: You want an eyeball?
Sky: No!
Enemy: How about an eyeball?
Sky: NO!
Enemy: You like this eyeball?
Sky: *exasperated sigh*- Arin/Sky kills the eyeball-spawning enemy. Danny!Enemy responds "After all I've given you..."
- This little bit of wordplay by Danny in episode 2:
Danny: Were you blazing through "the sky" or "this guy"? (in an almost mafioso accent) I was blazin' through this guy over 'ere. I was listenin' to that Jimi Hendrix song, "Excuse me while I kiss this guy". (Arin laughs) I mean, it's just a song. It's just a s- it's just a very good song about kissing guys which I do.
- A more meta example, but the sheer fact that Barry, of all people, fucked up. He some how managed to mix up the order of the episodes so the second episode recorded was uploaded third, and the third recorded was uploaded second. This is made even more humorous because the third episode uploaded has Arin struggling with a boss that he beat earlier in the second episode.
- Danny and the Raptor.
- In Part 9, Danny just spontaneously starts through some of his longest-running jokes in the old man's voice.
Old Man: What are you doing in my basement? Get outta here!
Old Man: I've got something to say to you. Mycaruba. - The Call-Back at the beginning of the finale to an earlier running joke in the series. After Sky had sassed the Old Man, Danny spent the next few minutes doing an impression of the Old Man snarking back at Sky, insisting that he's useless and that Sky knows everything. Come the finale..
Sky: So, am I ready now to defeat Ashura?
Old Man: I don't know, are you?
*Danny and Arin burst out laughing* - Continuously running into the fish in Part 4, due to the confusing water maze.
Fish: Hey! You again! Long time no see, man—oh, see you later...
*5 seconds later after they loop around again*
Fish: HEYYYY! - From Part 7, Shirol.
- Danny and Arin both trying and failing several times to do a wall jump (called a "triangle jump" in the game) during Part 2.
Arin: (Singing in a Camp Gay voice) I'm a pretty princess! I love it! I love purple all everywheres! Yay!
- Part 6 gives us Speed Racist.
- Every time Danny leaves an area and saying "Whee!" and Arin cracking up because of it.
- Danny kills a guard while humming the Strider theme, and Arin imagines someone in the background playing the song as the game is played.
Secret of Mana (Arin and Danny)
- Dan and Arin improvising a super-fucking-awesome rock-opera intro to the tune of the Secret of Mana intro music.
- The incredibly sexualised way they say 'Dabutt' whenever it comes up in a text box.
- After leaving the village early on in Part 2.
Arin: You're banished from Potos Village!
Arin (very close to the mic): Get out of here. Before I smack Dabutt. - Then not long after that, just before going into the cannon.
Danny: "Don't get hurt!" I won't! Guy who's shooting me out of a cannon...
(both laugh)
Arin: Welcome to the International Cannon Service! We shoot you out of a cannon and get you to where you want to go! Are you ready?!
Danny: Yeah! Don't get hurt though! That'll be your fault! - This little bit in Part 6.
Danny" I'll always stay with Dabutt. Just like life. And Arin will take the Baps and the Vagoo... depending on his mood.
- Bruce Wayne using Insane Troll Logic to explain how he isn't Batman.
Bruce: Do you see a cape? I don't see a cape!
- Bruce Wayne yelling at his mom for not taking out the chapter in his diary about him being Batman and then remembering she's supposed to be dead.
Dracula X
- At 4:38, Mr. Wilson comes back as Jesus.
"What are these holes doing in my hands? GET OUT'TA HERE!"
- Arin raps about having syphilis. Danny's reaction is a Flat Wow.
Maniac Mansion
- Trying to get Edna's attention and failing.
- The out of order staircase.
Super Metroid
- Since they can't skip the opening, the first three minutes are them riffing on general Metroid jokes ("Samus is a girl?! "), but props more than anything to them talking about Samus' return to the space station at the start as if she'd just managed to get a block away before the scientists fucked everything up, especially the end bit.
Danny: So I flew back into fuckin' Unicron...
Arin: Yeah! She just, like, drops it off and then fuckin' is like, "Alright. Don't fuck with this." and they're like, "Alright. No worries."
Danny: They're, like, tossing it around like a football.
Arin: *Laughs* And then she fucking starts the car and—*Starts making siren noises*
*They both crack up*
Danny: She sees on the security camera one scientist is wearing the Metroid as a hat! *Both laugh* "Look what I can do!!!" - During a cutscene of Samus' landing, Arin and Danny imitate a couple of yokels from the planet Zebes.
Arin: Here on Zebes, we ain't got fancy things like spaceships. But we got corn.
Danny: We got that sweet corn.
Arin: But it's space corn, so it's like two ears in one ear.
Danny: Yeah, you will die if you eat it.
Arin: We don't eat it. We're just proud that we have it.
Danny: Yeah, we just grow it and then leave it in the fields.
Arin: It just looks nice.
Danny: Welcome, Samus! Enjoy our death corn. - Arin dies by getting his remaining health sucked out of him by enemies that clinged onto him. Danny is immediately distracted by the death sequence.
Arin: Did I just die?
Danny: *Having seen Samus in her bikini now* Ohhhh! Fantastic!
Arin: Oh my god. I have not been paying attention to my health!
Danny: I didn't realize, like, you get naked when you die! Like, we should have been dying more often. *Both laugh* - Danny tells a story about smoking pot on a friend's porch, both of them heedless that the porch faced the fence of an elementary school playground. When they realized the children were gathering to watch, they quickly stopped smoking and tried to hide their pot, only to have one kid announce loudly "Those are bad guys!" Cue emotional devastation.
- Arin has a "silly seizure" at the start of part 4.
- Their portrayal as Kraid as fat, gross, and prone to overeating leads to several attempts to compose his final words as he sinks slowly into the floor.
Danny (as Kraid dies): Do you have any butterrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Arin: I sure do like cupcaaaaaakes...
Danny: Hopefully filled with iciiiiiiing...
Arin: And another smaller cupcaaaaaake...
- "Dimple Pumps"
- Their reaction going from cheering when they defeat the Crocomire to groaning in disgust as they watch its lovely death sequence.
- Walk Friend, the robot whose only purpose is walking.
Arin: Hey Walk Friend, can you go over there and get me that coffee?
Walk Friend: I can do one of those things! - Danny's fellatio-themed rendition of "Wrecking Ball" has to be heard to be believed.
- Part 20 has Dan talking about becoming a secret agent by the name of "Undercover Governor Bananapanini."
- Danny's anecdote about a high-school acquaintance who legally changed his name to Energy Energon.
- Arin's triumphant rant after Ridley is defeated.
- Midway through part 26 Danny remarks that there must be porn of Samus out there somewhere. Arin confirms that there is a great deal of it and Danny immediately goes to look it up. He spends the next few minutes in awe. Then Danny manages to finally tear himself away...
Danny: Alright, I have to put this away. Save that for future use. Barry, put all those pictures up but—*snickers*—put pictures of Ross' face over all the naughty bits. *Barry obliges using Ross wearing a goofy as hell grin as the censoring*
Arin: Oh no...
Danny: Yeah.
Arin: No thank you.
Danny: Thaaaat's a buzz kill.- In the same episode, Arin ponders the existence of J-Country.
- Arin talking about purple girls and how their saliva smells like cotton candy, all with an exagerated European accent.
- In the final part, Danny begins an anecdote about him being the oldest of the game grumps, only to startwildly screaming when the fully grown infant metroid comes out of nowhere to start feeding on an enemy in front of Samus.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
- The first direct input they get is naming their game profile. Arin, attempting to keep with the Jingle Grumps theme, goes for Santa. He subconsciously types out Satan.
- What's the first thing Danny says when he learns Arin can draw on the in-game map?
- Danny plus JumpScares equals HILARITY.
- In Part 4, the character they play has to color in a picture of a couple in front of their house. Arin proceeds to color the house bright pink ala Barbie's Dream House. Cut to their character finding himself in front of a real bright pink colored house, much to Arin's delight.
- Part 7 has another chase sequence and neither take it very well.
- Also amusing is that after the long hurdle, they find a cabin the faq directs them to... except it's the cabin they started at. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome afterwards in that they successfully backtrack to the right path without losing a life (and by extension, reusing the flare should they do).
- Their action to walking into a room and finding a dead bear in the middle of it.
- At one point, the Grumps come a cross a toddler's keyboard toy in the game...and use it to play a surprisingly good rap beat.
- The guilty rank test the therapist gives in part 15. Looking closely Arin blames the bull the most but doesn't realize he put it in the 'less guilty' section, nudging King Harold closer to most guilty. By this point the Grumps are becoming very tired of the therapist sessions. How did they set them down this way? They didn't. Arin grabbed the bull, threw it to the other side of the scale, made a mess, and then went with that.
- In the apartment chase they get lost and get ambushed by a Raw Shock while opening a door, panicking and surrounded they then seem to enter the same room again try the same door only to get ambushed again and pass out. When they respawn they try to use the door directly in front of them... and immediately get ambushed and cut to black.
- At one point, while freaking out about getting overwhelmed by creatures, Arin accidentally hits himself in the face with the Wiimote. Dan, still freaking out, notes that he saw it and thought it was funny.
Katamari Damacy
- "I'm Carson Daly! Does anyone still know who I am?"
- The end of part 1:
- Episode 2 finds the grumps making fun of rich people making status symbols out of their Rolls-Royces, which eventually spirals into Danny accidentally calling Suzy a prostitute.
- Episode 2 has Danny and Arin rolling up crabs to make the Cancer constellation:
- When The King of All Cosmos says "let's make Cancer", Danny proclaims him a dick.
- Pronouncing "crab" as "craf" and repeatedly yelling "CRAF?!" the entire episode.
- "Me toooo~"
- When Michiko Hoshino says she can feel the Cosmos returning, Danny proclaims he's having a drug flashback.
- Barry's antics in Episode 3. All of them.
- The accidental Running Gag in Part 9 where Arin keeps prematurely ending the Ursa Major level by collecting tiny bears and bear-shaped objects.
- And Danny yells "Beaaaar!" with the King Of All Cosmos every single time, even while in the middle of telling a story.
- Oh, Episode Ten, let's count the ways...
- Episode Title: Danny Goes to the Nudie Bar. Description courtesy of Barry: Go oooonnnnnn...
- Danny opens the episode singing the word "Bear" trolling Arin about last episode's failure.
- As Danny begins said story, revealing when he was a virgin, Arin reacts "GET OUT OF TOWN!"
- The Mood Dissonance in playing the Gemini level while hearing Danny's story with his stripper friend Gemini. Also, how that story ends.
- Them trolling the audience about completing their Wind Waker series.
- Their reaction to ending the level with a specific number of twins: 69.
- In Part 12, they have Barry end the episode after about three minutes.
- In Part 14, Danny and Arin have a serious debate about the merits of the D-Club.
- Arin spends about five minutes giving an impassioned speech defending the D-Club and how it wasn't gay.
- As they play Part 15, they crack a bad joke. Here, Danny lampshades how at this point, they've played so long, they're probably at Episode 15.
- After rolling up a giant squid, they give it a nearly Barack Obama voice asking for help from the katamari.
Danny: Help.
*Arin laughs*
Arin: Help me.
Danny: I am a squid. In need of help.
Arin: Oh dear. Oh my.
Danny: Oh God. No. - The Barry Dicks song
- They recall their experience of a woman's reaffirming the guy's a great friend, and not a potential boyfriend. Complete with Disney-eqsue song!
- Buffalo got that alligator jigglin' fever!
- In the finale, Danny starts singing, along to the credits. Arin sings backup turning the song into a call for anal sex. Prompting a Double Take from Danny.
Night Trap
- Their constant MSTing of the game, from the bad acting to the ridiculous traps.
- "I'm gonna take a nap on this hammock! It's EXTREME!"
- Them agreeing how much realistic fun the girls are having at their slumber party.
- At Part 1's end, Arin and Dan's improv cover of the in-game song. Complete with belching!
- The bad punchline Dan says to Arin's Family Feud set-up.
Arin: Survey says...
Danny: To you...living...longer.
Arin: Nice. Nice. Nice. NICE!
Danny: I think I nailed that pretty hard. - Danny buying a bed based on accommodating a threesome. When it arrived to his and Barry's apartment, Barry texted Dan on how comically large it is.
- As they switch to CD #2, they wonder if they can convince the audience they are naturally skilled in playing the game, and not using a walkthrough for help.
- After specifically spending the first CD talking about how they were using a walkthrough.
- Dan and Arin constantly getting fired up as they take down Augers like flies. And when they get a game over anyway before they were only seconds off from saving a girl, they end the video with a live-action parody of the game, showing their rendition of the ending.
- Arin during that ending. Just-Just Arin.
- Don't forget the real star of the show: Mochi, laying there with a Seen It All look, barely reacting to their...performance.
Pokémon Fire Red
- Setting the tone, Dan pronounces the title, "Pokemon, the Fingered Version."
- Dan's impression of the female Nidoran, who looks like she's constantly screaming.
- In addition to Danny poorly pretending that he knows the Pokemon franchise.
- Naming their trainer 'I never' paving the way for all manner of comedic gold.
- Every joke about Oak shitting his pants.
- Dan's alternative interpretation of the NPC in Pallet Town.
Arin: Technology is incredible, you can store and recall items and Pokemon as data via PC.
Dan: Technology is incredible you can totally fuck robots now. *Beat* See ya later... - They make fun of the fact that Pidgey looks like it's constantly yelling at everyone.
- The first time their Pokemon faint, Arin gets so worked up, he accidentally mashes buttons to get to the Game Boy Player Menu Screen.
- Arin makes Squirtle into a Hollywood producer pitching to enemies their death scenes.
- Somehow, in Part 3, Danny and Arin turn an explanation of Pokeballs into a D-Club Call-Back.
- "We could've been sack-dragging a lot of roosters at this point"
- After failing to capture Pikachu, he's like, "You can't hold this shit down!" "YEAH!"
- Not to mention Arin and Danny screaming with excitement when they first see Pikachu. Arin because it's one of his favourite Pokémon, and Danny because it's one he actually recognises.
Danny squealing
Danny: Oh.
- Not to mention Arin and Danny screaming with excitement when they first see Pikachu. Arin because it's one of his favourite Pokémon, and Danny because it's one he actually recognises.
- In Episode 5, they discuss sweating during sex. Hilarity Ensues.
- Toward the end of episode 5, they discuss the use of the word "clam" as a reference to a woman's vagina. Danny then asks Barry to edit out the entire episode, which leads to one ridiculous editing order after another.
- This eventually leads to the unexpected return of the flying hamburger from the B.O.B. episode.
- Dan's tells a story about how he made Pot brownies then got stuck in a loop of eating one, becoming high, getting the munchies, and then eating another brownie. He ended up eating all 39 of them in three days.
Dan: "I did nothing! I did noth- I tried to play Morrowwind, and I couldn't."
- The Running Gag of missing high fives. Lampshaded by Danny as a visual joke on an audio program.
- Another golden father Avidan moment is Danny's childhood story of considering a fruit fly on the floor his new pal. Cue his father coming into his room and accidentally stepping on it.
Avi: Hey Dan! *squish*
- Apparently, Dan met a girl named Sch-sh-schroder, and she wanted to touch him on his peanuts, and they had sexticles.
- Dan talks about how President Taft kind of looks like the Quaker Oats guy.
President Taft: Eat your oatmeal.
- "IT'S A WEEDLE!!!!"
- This little gem:
Arin: "I'm gonna go fight Brock."
Danny: "... Obama?" - Arin's losing battle against Brock's Geodude.
- "Let me get my tissues." "Next time on Game Grumps." "Barry."
- The Brock Tomb, where Brock hugs you real tight.
Trainer: I gotta go.
Brock: Shh...You're taking damage from Bind.
- Arin: "Who would fit in that space shuttle!?"
- In episode 11, we have the Grumps admiring Lass Janice and her sassy booty.
- The pair of Craiglist ads featured on the show about a Powerglove Handjob, followed by a Jack Off Crystal.
- Near the beginning of Episode 12, discussing the Sdrawkcab Name of Ekans. First it's Skank, then they expand into Dilos Ekans, then insert The Most Interesting Man in the World into it.
Danny (doing a bad sensual voice): I don't always spell my name backwards, but when I do, I prefer Dilos Ekans.
- In Part 13, they imagine Pikachu before a judge. And apply Pokemon world logic to such court proceedings.
- Jigglypuff disables their Kakuna's Harden. According to the resulting conversation, this is apparently the equivalent of losing a boner.
- In Part 14, they continue their D-club conversation from Katamari Damacy.
- Near the end of Part 14, Arin runs into a Geodude. Cue his surprise with dramatic Barryfication, him proclaiming to catch it... and him defeating it instead while talking about Geodude's evolutions.
Danny: You forgot to catch him, you just killed his ass.
Arin: Oh. (video ends) - The return of their parody of The Irate Gamer in Part 15.
- After Arin yells "MOM!", Danny laughs so hard, he breaks down into gasping for air for a few seconds.
- Quoth Daniel Y. Sexbang, "May I blow you?"
- Danny's story about accidentally calling his Asian friend Chinaman at a convention.
- Arin's Super Nerd impression.
- Danny notices Paras' mushrooms form a hairbow.
Paras: I'm a pretty princess! Kill me.
- Arin and Danny's impersonation of Grimer in Part 18.
- Arin at the Bicycle Shop. All of it.
- "I want a bright red bicycle. I'll keep it at home so it stays clean."
- Afterwards, they Call-Back the JO Crystal Craiglists Ad. Complete with Dramatic Reading from Arin!
- The Berry Guy. "Why must you lie to me?"
- You're a trainer, aren't you? You guys training in here? Great, I'll JO with you!
- Arin's battle of attrition with Misty's Recovery-happy Staryu. With Barry throwing in all sorts of crazy effects.
- Danny invokes a special guest appearance by Jet Jaguar and Godzilla! clips.
- That's only part of it. Danny actually decides to spend all of episode 20 making ridiculous demands of Barry, including inserting the aforementioned clips, bringing back the flying hamburger (along with an exploding oyster), and displaying the entire history of the War of 1812 (which scrolls by in Unreadably Fast Text). It should come as no surprise that Barry accomplishes every task perfectly.
- Two-in-a-row: A guessing game turned argument about Abra's third form between Arin & Danny, followed by Danny's story about speaking dirty at a church-sponsored poetry slam.
- When they see Bellsprout; "Why am I this?"
- Arin & Danny recount their SAT stories, especially Arin's friends asking "Where did you go?"
- When Danny tries describing Ninja Brian, Arin interrupts, calling him an asshole with autism.
- Ninja Brian's Berserk Button with the pamphlet
- Geodude vs. Machop, then Geodude in a Pec Flex Off.
- Arin losing his shit over (and failing to catch) every Abra that he sees, complete with some editing from Barry.
- In Part 23, all these quotes and their respective stories.
- Done-yun Rings! BING!
- One dick to beam.
- What is ears?
- Um, I'm been meaning to tell you something...AAAAHHHH!
- They meet a Hiker named Nob. Hilarity Ensues.
- ODDISH, THERE HE IS! Bonus points for facially looking shocked as if he's been discovered.
- And the giant hand pointing to Oddish.
- The End reached in Part 24, inspiring Arin to play the game upside down.
- Arin describing himself as "healthy as a bear".
- Arin going crazy over winning the S.S Anne ticket, while Danny reacts with mild confusion and keeps asking for Arin to explain.
- Danny's OMG reaction to his first time seeing a Raticate.
- Especially funny since he didn't even notice it until about halfway through the battle.
- The entire beginning of Episode 25.
Danny: Arin can I level with you?
Arin: Four. (Beat) Yeah?
Danny: Did you mean sure but say four?
Arin: Maybe, go on...
Danny: We've been playing this for a while. I have no idea what we're supposed to be doing, where we're supposed to be going, how far in the game we are. What the fuck is happening? Can you answer any of those for me?
Arin: Alright, a: Shut up.
Danny: Alright.
Arin: Go on.
- In episode 26, we get to hear a voicemail from Danny's dad. It is just as Heartwarming as it is absolutely priceless, as he sounds EXACTLY like Dan's impressions of him, as pointed out by Arin.
- Arin's impression of Butterfree as Mr. Burns.
- A camper named Flint saying he's so cool a guy, he has a girlfriend.
- "If you were anti-pencil, would you be erasist?"
- At the end of episode 26, Arin finally encounters an Oddish and absolutely loses his shit, getting progressively louder for the rest of the episode. He even begins hyperventilating in anticipation once he throws the Pokeball.
- Gets funnier as they open the next episode exhausted from said capture.
- ALL the comedy relative to naming Oddish Fuck King.
- Arin's losing rematch with Misty, featuring him coming aross every Pokémon player's crux - asking for critical hits and never getting them, and the A.I. getting them at the worst times. Especially at the end, where one such critical hit from Misty's nearly-beaten Starmie ends up costing Arin the battle.
- In episode 28:
- Danny's story about Ninja Brian asking him to say 'I'm a sexy widdle baby'. Added hilarity ensues when he mentions how Barry and Suzy love it...and the two of them walk in the room just as he says it, prompting them to comment on it.
- Danny & Arin reading game dialogue & discussing real life in the SWB voice.
- Danny officially acknowledges Polygrumps. Arin's explanation of which pairings he's fine with:
Arin: I'm okay with me and Barry. I'm okay with me and you. I'm okay with you and Barry. I'm okay with Ross and Barry. I'm okay with...you, Ross and Barry. I'm okay with me and Ross and Barry and you.
Danny: That sounded like the weirdest Dr. Seuss (rhyme).
- Ninja Brian's Hot Dumps, the dumpling store.
- Arin calling out Mmm, mmph!, the call of Seal!
- Arin imitating a Seel- "Kyuuooh!"
- "What's that?" "IT'S A DIGLETT, YOU IDIOT!"
- The mixed response of Fuck King's evolution. Danny is grossed out by Gloom and Arin counters by calling Danny an "insensitive prick". Then they look up the Stanky Flower.
- Remember Danny's story of digging out the Qumran Caves? Wikipedia does!
- Buttnuttz! the Dugtrio.
Send the Buttnuttz! after him.
- Arin's rant against Digletts.
- He's so worked up, he knocks over Dan's water bottle!
- Arin's over-the-top reaction while entering the S.S. Anne.
- Somehow, Arin's scared of a pulled lever releasing a marmoset.
- Their laughter at seeing a Snorlax.
- Danny Squeeing over Growlithe and Ponyta is both adorable and hilarious:
Danny: Aw, look at this thing! He's adorable!
Arin: (cheerfully) I know! He's Growlithe! He's a cute little puppy dog- and I'm gonna fuck him up! (Danny and Arin laugh) Here we go!
Danny: (giggling) He's like a little puppy-dog Bengal tiger!
Arin: Woof woof! I'm dead now! ...Says the Growlithe.
- Their losing dialogue for the very proper-looking gentleman on the S.S. Anne.
(proper English voice): "Thanks for killing all of my shit."
- Gotta Give Cereal to Them All!
- A younger Danny getting a My Little Pony toy cause his sister got one.
- The Grumps' slapfight over the right to the asshole of Markiplier.
- From the same episode: Arin's talking nonsense about planter's foam stupifies Danny, who cuts off his own confusion for surprise at a Kadabra.
Arin: My whole life I grew up with it.
Dan: For what reason?
Arin: ...um... because I never had it growing up.
Dan: What the fu... Arin, what? ...the more Pokemon we play, the— WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?
- From the same episode: Arin's talking nonsense about planter's foam stupifies Danny, who cuts off his own confusion for surprise at a Kadabra.
- The suggestive dialogue between the Cut Master Captain & the back-rubbing female Pokemon trainer.
- As well as Arin's really deadpan, "I'm a little girl."
- Arin & Danny at the museum with JO Crystals.
- At Part 33's end, Arin becomes the Cheat, & Danny's up on the mic.
- Arin suddenly reading Spearow's info in a Badass Baritone.
- Danny's story of a stony drive in Florida.
- All the things PC can stand for. Includes "personal computer", "politically correct" and "penis cock".
- Arin's belch is so indistinguishable, Danny declares it has umami, the mystical fifth flavor.
Kikunae Ikeda: "Umami, Bitches."
- This also gets a Callback in episode thirty-six.
- Danny's story of scraping the roof of a U-Haul truck while high. Eventually navigating traffic so cars can move past his parked truck.
- Part 36, A Very Special Episode, entirely animated due to technical difficulties.
- Sailor Dwayne's intro becomes a fantasy encounter with a girl heavy into Chris Elliot.
- Dan pointing out Dugtrio's phallic imagery, followed by Arin's voice & Lt. Surge's face losing their shit.
- All the quotes from the odd Non Sequitur old man.
- The Grumps' experiences with exploding hot dogs.
- The Thousand-Yard Stare Pikachu.
...pika pi...pika pi...
- When Danny reacts incredulously to the fact that there's an Elite Four and a Champion.
Danny: There's thirteen things we have to beat and and we've beaten three?
Arin: Umm... do you never ever have played Pokemon in your life?
Danny: ...Starting to think these people who tell us we suck might be right.
- Part 37 continues the comedy.
- Arin fights an unwanted trainer, Sexy Widdle Baby.
- Arin taught Beedrill cut.
- The Grumps discuss dating profiles, including Christian Mingle One Night Stands.
- Ninja Brian asking a train set expert the miniaturization process trains go through.
- TurntSNACO's evolution into a Graveler, complete with Grumps providing a Theme Music Power-Up.
- Danny at the Giving Dugout.
- Arin Tempting Fate while lost in a rock tunnel.
Arin: Well, then, I guess I am fucked.
- Their surprise at a Pokemaniac's clothing.
- Arin's new Wo-Mankey, Boogston.
- After meeting an enemy while low on health:
Danny:"Why not just run away from these jams?"
(Picks Run option)
- Dan's dream of Mochi eating off Dan's naked body.
- A Raddish just poisoned Arin's Buttnuttz!
- Don't call Suzy "Scooze", (unless you're Danny) or Arin will touch your things.
- Part 40 begins with Danny giving Arin a Swedish Massage.
- Followed by Arin returning the favor to Dan.
- The D-Club conversation continues.
- Along with Real Life Writes the Plot with this Egoraptor animation.
- After Episodes spent in the Rock Tunnel, Arin starts Part 41 with a near breakdown.
- Near breakdown? Arin sings LFO like a madman, only saved by a voicemail from Dan's dad!
- Danny's greatest fear is accidentally letting loose a relaxed fart in post-coitus.
- Arin & Dan's sleepover stories.
- In episode 42, the duo reaches Lavender Town and Arin points out the creepiness of the music. Then he tells Dan to listen to it. Cue Barry making the music louder for the viewers to enjoy, then Dan sings a merry tune into it.
Danny: (to the tune of the Lavender Town theme) I-like-girls-that-wear-Abercrombie&Fitch!
- Episode 43 begins with 3 false starts, featuring Dan eating ice.
- Danny calling a Poliwag a "cinnamon roll with eyes".
- Arin jokingly getting mad at the Sassy Goldeen.
- Dan introduces the world to Facebook Official. Hilarity Ensues.
- The excitement of Pokemon Tower.
- Grimer wanting out of disgusting conversation between Arin & Danny.
- Followed by Grumps making incredibly ridiculous demands of the audience.
- Dan's desire to build a gold-rimmed leopard pit.
- As Arin physically animates how loud a Pachinko parlor is, he knocks loose a tonsil stone.
- Zubat's open-mouthed Dramatic Gasp in Part 46.
- In an episode's 7th minute, Arin gets Triple 7's at the slot machines.
- The Holy Trinity of God, Jesus, & Franklin.
- The new Game Grumps' rallying cry: Pussy Up!
- Danny's reaction to both Victreebel and Tangela.
- "Guymono".
- Upon defeating Erika, Arin gets excited receiving Giga Drain TM.
- Followed by Arin's Dad-like jokes, the ragtime music of 1973, & discovering Pikachu looks like Kramer from Seinfeld.
Arin: He's like, "Hey Jerry!"
- Super Nerd's one long breath after loving on Voltorb.
- Episode 50
- Koffing: "Go ahead & read, I'll wait."
- When describing the future of Game Grumps, they make a prediction that it will be seen in liquid form with the tagline "Jam it up your pee-hole!"
- Danny describing them becoming so jaded that they speak in old person voices three years from now. And Barry wonders why they're talking like that.
- The Running Gag of not using telephones in the Team Rocket Hideout.
- The world's shittest game of Hangman.
- Arin's misadventures in farting, like accidentally releasing a trapped one.
Danny: Sweet freedom.
- Barry's triple transcription of English, Sumerian, & Klingon.
- Young Danny's story of his anole lizards getting it on.
- Followed by the Arin's Black Comedy of possibly Bicycling over an anole with wife & kids.
- Their discussion of Mike Shinoda & Linkin Park.
- Danny's dog taking three beats to barf.
Danny: It was simultaneously gross & cute at the same time.
- Episode 54 has Danny being hypnotised by a Poliwhirl into killing Arin's parents.
- Arin trying to make TurntSNACO explode on a Meowth, only for the Meowth to keep making him flinch.
- While using Pikachu, they meet a trainer who brings out her Pikachu.
Danny: That other Pikachu's like, "Good to see you, fucker!"
- Danny's loud "OH NO!" at the Pokémon tombstones.
- Part 54's Fake-Out Fade-Out before fighting their rival Claarff.
- Kadabra's ready for Cherry Garcia, followed by Barry's red balloon.
- The Grumps air quotes on audio recording.
- Followed by Arin's pants with a talking hole.
- Buttthrown the Cubone. Or as Danny pronounces it, Cub-one.
- Arin & Dan take turns reading a report. On the experience of getting shot out of your dad's balls.
- Dan creates a lame acronym out of Gastly.
Go Arin, suck tasty lollipops. Yay.
- Dan & Arin begin with Daynight, ends with the return of Rattata's scream.
- Continued next episode with Unhinged Gaping Bat Mouth.
- Arin and Danny's hysterical laughter at Golbat.
- Danny's story of Barry twisting his ankle and farting moments afterwards in part 58.
- Arin taking five minutes to beat Snorlax.
- Hilarious in Hindsight, Arin, in a George Lucas like voice, pretends to write an email to Dan correcting him on confusing Star Wars with Star Trek.
- The Stinger in Episode 60. Danny gets a text from a friend he made in New Zealand, and he chooses to answer it with a voice-to-text program. Cue Arin returning from the bathroom with a Cloud Cuckoolander question, and Danny's (unsent) text reads as follows: "I know. I love you too. I've thought about you like a hundred times since I've been here. Isn't it weird that like at least once a day your hand is just like touching your asshole?
- Beedrill's guns are so powerful, they make it faint.
- Episode 61 is just full of Danny being hilarious.
- First, when Arin's about to voice an Emperor Penguin totally normally, Danny interjects with realistic penguin sounds and it's hilarious.
- Then, when they're talking about stocks, Dan meets a Doduo for the first time.
Danny: WOAH! Woah. Keep it in the circus bro!
- And then, at the last second of the episode, as the end slate comes down, Dan finds another two-headed monstrosity; this time being Weezing.
Danny: Next time on Game- what the fuck is happening? Why is everything a horrifying mutant?
- And then, at the last second of the episode, as the end slate comes down, Dan finds another two-headed monstrosity; this time being Weezing.
- The audience learns where the Grumps get chocolate tea.
- The Grumps troll Smooth McGroove.
- What if a stoner worked at Chuck E. Cheese? Or Arin's Ramen place?
- Barry does Arin a solid.
- After meeting the Move Deleter, Arin Disaster Dominoes toward Koga.
- Arin:Why are you just saying words all of a sudden, man?
- Followed by Danny referencing another rapper.
- Arin fights Koga. Knowing the outcome.
- Next episode, Arin fights Muk.
- Arin catches an Exeggcute, and he and Dan (who is in a sleepy stupor) name it Burtersner.
- Episode 68, Danny imagining the awkwardness that would ensue if Lucius Fox (who they only refer to as Morgan Freeman) outed Bruce Wayne as Batman in the middle of a company dinner.
Danny: [As Morgan Freeman] "Batman, do you want another iced tea?" [Normal voice] And, like, everyone goes dead silent, like, a fork drops...
Arin: Bruce Wayne's the only one with an iced tea. [both laugh] He just kinda like silently gets up and, like, you know, like, with his, like, shoulders hunched a little bit, like, walks to the bathroom and fuckin' never comes back. - Meet Arin's Safari Zone catches!
- In Part 75, Arin talks about George Carlin's statement that it's impossible to pee and sneeze at the same time. Arin mentions he was able to do it.
Danny: (deadpan) "Well, you showed him."
- Danny's amusement over the text, "Obtained the TEA."
- In Part 105, Danny urges Arin to capture a Ponyta, despite Arin's disinterest in doing so. When Arin does capture one, he proceeds to nickname it "Dansstupid."
Battle Chess
- The slowest conversation the chess pieces have as one moves out of the other's way.
- The game apparently knows how ungodly boring it is, it glitches in and out to keep the Grumps awake.
- Arin asking the Queen to "take off that ten by ten tileset."
- As Dan fights the computer, the computer's pawns barely moved, like they Stopped Caring.
Arin: Look at this motherfucker with all his pawns that don't even care.
Danny: Yeah, yeah, they're just like, "Whatever. Hey, we're cool." Barry, zoom in on those pawns.
(Zoom in on random pawn)
Pawn 1: Sup? We'll just chill here the whole game.
Pawn 2: Yeah, I don't really care one way or another.
Pawn 3: Literally. What the fuck ever.
Pawn 4: I get paid whether the King dies or not because it's all in HR now.
*Danny laughs* - Arin & Danny Win!! (against a 25 year old computer)
- The little battle animations can be pretty funny - and the guys react hilariously when the King piece just nonchalantly pulls out a gun and shoots another piece.
- The best part about it is this; throughout the video Barry plays medieval-esque background music, turning it into intense battle music during animations. When the King attacks the Bishop, the intense music begins...and then just abruptly stops as the King pulls out a gun.
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
- In general, whenever the Grumps speak French while fighting Glass Joe. Their accent sells it.
- "Look at the croissants!"
- Dan assumes Doc's "chocolate flowers" joke is an inappropriate ass reference.
- Immediately after defeating Disco Kid:
- Their first reaction to King Hippo's roar.
- Dan & Arin discuss how various foods affect the taste of semen. Results include pizza the worst, pineapple the best, & by Fridge Horror, King Hippo has tasty semen.
- For a meta example, in part 3, Arin mentions that King Hippo should be in the next Super Smash Bros.. Literally two days before Part 3 was uploaded, Little Mac was confirmed to be a newcomer in Super Smash Bros. 4.
- Doc makes Serious Business out of chomping a candy bar.
- When Arin notices that Danny is pretty much owning Piston Hondo at one point in the fight, he encourages him... by saying that if he doesn't win on this round, he's going to piss in his Cola. Just as Danny is literally one punch away from winning by TKO, the time runs out and the round ends.
- The Running Gag about Little Mac being moments away from a Non Sequitur, *Thud*.
Did I win? Did I eat the Cheerios?
Thank you, fahrvergnügen!
World War 2 was the hardest one! - Danny's habit of losing the first match then winning the rematch has led Arin to call him Two-Take Avidan.
- When Danny wins against Bear Hugger by KO and Doc Louis compliments him: "You won! What does "koh" mean?"
- How does episode 5 begin? With Danny exclaiming, "SPAIN! SPAIN! SPAIN!"
- In Part 5, Danny does well fighting Don Flamenco, until Don loses his toupee. Cue Arin reacting Big "OMG!" at his receding hairline, followed by Danny losing at Don reaching his Rage Breaking Point.
- This is followed in the next video by Danny dodging into five of Flamenco's punches in a row, knocking him out within 30 seconds.
- Danny's briefly annoyed at Arin encouraging him too close to his face, so Arin reacts by shouting discouragements at Danny from across the room for the rest of his rematch with Don Flamenco.
- Little Mac vs. Aran Ryan. The whole thing.
Doc: Little Mac doesn't back down from anybody! Rematch! Let's go, baby!
Danny: Yeah, Doc? Stop writing checks my body can't cash, please.- This leads into another Running Gag—the duo's rather grim Alternative Character Interpretation of Doc Louis.
- Aran Ryan's stanky leg kick against the sunset.
- After Aran gets back up again...
Arin:They never stay down. Haven't you heard Tub Thumping?
- Their first reaction to Soda Popinski Burning with Anger.
- In the middle of his second fight against Soda, Arin's foot falls asleep, prompting Danny and him to make jokes about the same thing happening to Little Mac, and Mac subsequently trying to get a time out mid-fight.
- Every line Arin says while impersonating Bald Bull.
- Arin's commentary during the Bald Bull fight.
- Danny sets the tone for his next fight after Bald Ball:
Danny: Before I worry about [Mr. Sandman,] let me get my fucking ass handed to me several times by Super Macho Man.
- His wish comes true, until the third match.
- Their disgust to Macho Man's quivering buttcheeks.
- Part 10's intro:
- The Grumps theorize Super Macho Man's hair is silvery grey because he met God.
- Danny getting absolutely mauled by Mr. Sandman.
- Beautifully prefaced by Doc looking fearfully at Mr. Sandman and hesitantly turning his gaze onto Little Mac.
- When Arin's praise ends up becoming a case of Tempting Fate, Arin spends the rest of the Mr. Sandman fight insulting him instead.
- Right as Danny defeats Mr. Sandman, Arin lays this insult on his boxing protege.
Arin: J..Jah...Juh..George...is your name...?
Arin: OH!
Danny: Got him!
Arin: OH!
- During the Career credits minigame, Arin insultingly sings about Danny's hair, which Danny contests back in song. Leading to this line:
Danny: My hair is like a soft...field of daisies. And it smells like a bed of flowers on Disco Kid on a warm, summer spring day.
- Previewing the Title Bout, Danny & Arin react to Glass Joe's YEAH! at the doctor's office.
- Danny and Arin's horrified reaction to Von Kaiser's One-Hit KO punch.
Shadow Of The Colossus
- Arin's bad singing at the intro.
- Arin & Danny's impression of Danny on Nyquil.
How do I life? What do buttons do?
- The Mood Whiplash in placing the dead girl on the altar, then running like you're going on an adventure full of good times. YAY!
- Throughout Part 1, they discuss a certain Youtube video.
- They spend the last few minutes of part 1 making fun of Dormin.
Danny: SNICKERS. RAISE THY COURAGE, FOR THEY ARE PACKED WITH PEANUTS. - Danny shows he learned how to control the camera, including sweeping shots of scenery.
- Don't forget the Grumps providing the best soundtrack to such an epic scene.
- You are scared. SCCARRY.
- Arin's impression of Quadratus as Danny fights him.
- Arin blocks Danny's view of the game, prompting Danny to fall off the boss.
- This then prompts Dan to compare Arin to his father. Dan starts an impression, but apparently Quadratus doesn't like it and tries to knock him off, skewing the impression hilariously.
Dan (As his Dad): Hi Dan! Ehhh look what I found! A magazine from nineteen EIGHTY-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!
- This then prompts Dan to compare Arin to his father. Dan starts an impression, but apparently Quadratus doesn't like it and tries to knock him off, skewing the impression hilariously.
- After felling the 2nd colossus:
- Arin as Dormin asking who ate all the peanut butter. It was Barry.
- Agro pissed off Wander tried killing them both. Descending into Gratuitous Spanish.
Dan: Self... High Hoof!
- After sweeping around Wander to show off the scenery, Arin ends it on a fart noise. Followed by Barry using the least epic music ever.
- Arin distracts Danny by showing him the pillars of light showing the Colossi he killed, only for them to be surprised by the one they're currently fighting.
- Danny describes Wander's running as adorable.
- Zoomed in on his face, they assume Wander's super happy or super scared as he runs.
- "Oh yeah, work those traps!"
- Arin & Danny imagine the Collossi as giant balloons slowly deflating when stabbed.
"Don't let all the air out!"
- Dan's Israeli relative innocently using Country Matters as a term of endearment for his girlfriend.
- Agro backing up like a truck.
Boop Boop Boop. Pfft Pfft Pfft.
- An accidental Moment of Awesome when Agro runs into a wall, and Wander flies off awesomely, running as he lands.
- And it happens again, toward a cliff face.
- Arin has, at Danny's request, voiced Dormin with various traits (as Krang, with a huge marshmallow in his mouth, etc.). In one case, Dormin is just makin' this shit up as he's going along.
Arin: The next one is, ugh, what's this one look like? It's a bird, I guess.
Danny: Uh, it soars so very high into the sky just like a dragonfly...
Arin: Uh...fl-it flies like an eagle...to the sea...uh...it lets its spirit carry me.
Danny: ...I HAVE SPOKEN!
- Hey Girl. Sup Bitch? Leading to Sanford and Son music sung by the Grumps.
- Dan's consistent Freak Out as he fights Avion. Not helped by the beast repeatedly flapping to get Dan off his back.
- After Dan kills Avion, as the beast falls into the water, it lets out one last fart.
- Dan's first kill of a golden-tailed salamander.
- Part 8's intro:
Arin: Pliz go into menu, loud up your gaem...
Danny: Come on.
(Both laugh)
Danny: Consider it done.
- They give Dormin the same absurd accent.
Danny: Thy nyext fyuh!
Arin: He flahs through the skeh with the grettest of uhhs.
Danny: Noo, thet was yoor lest fyuh.
Arin: ...Sooreh!
- Danny's rematch with the golden-tailed salamander. Complete with epic soundtrack courtesy of Barry.
Danny: Got him.
[Music stops]
Arin: Did you?
Danny: No.
[Music resumes] - Danny jumping Wander off a steep cliff, taking half his health right before his fight with Barba. It gets restored, but still.
- Danny's first attempt to grab Barba's beard.
Danny: Okay, back in I go!
- Dan's panic during his fight with Barba.
- The contrast between Dan's struggle against Barba versus Arin's need to sneeze.
- The various languages in saying Beard Grabber.
- You just got New York Timed, bitch!
- Arin as Dormin requesting a Hot Pocket.
- Arin ends Part 10 on a rap about how big his dick is.
- Good glow on that JO crystal!
- Danny begins fighting Hydrus by jumping off the bridge toward the lake sparkles. Accidentally.
- Wander skiing underwater.
"Check out my slalom."
- Danny wandering around, looking for Kuromuri, concluding his search by jumping into a chasm. Instead of looking right toward a path along the cliff face.
- Danny's entire fight against Kuromuri:
- His first fight being a Curb-Stomp Battle courtesy of poison gas.
- "Everyone deserves their chance on top. Am I right, ladies?"
- Arin's rapid dash for a USB cord when Dan's controller almost runs out of battery.
- Arin's lame attempts at high fiving Dan during the worst times.
- Danny impressed with the strength and range of Kuromuri's "spit-ball":
Arin: Well it's like... mythical spit. It comes from a place of magic...
Danny: And wonderment.
Arin: And... I don't know... Evil?
- Arin punking Danny with wrong directions during his journey to Basaran.
- Danny's difficulty in finding Basaran completely screws up Arin's attempt to time a build-up line for him.
- Basaran's motions as the geyser hits its underbelly.
- As Basaran lands on his back, he lets out a fart noise courtesy of Arin.
- The shadows, pissed off at Wander, pee on him in revenge for killing them.
- Danny repeatedly freaking out upon rotating the camera and discovering Dirge is right behind him.
- Danny's fight against Celosia:
- After underestimating him, Celosia makes Danny yelp, followed by getting thrown onto the floor.
- Celosia charging Wander right off a cliff.
- Danny struggling to exploit Celosia's weak point: his fear of fire.
Danny: Oh, do I back him up? Do I back him up into the fuckin' ravine— [colossus bitch-slap] Ow.
- Trying to shake Wander off his back, Celosia demonstrates Alligator Jigglin' Fever.
- The other defeated colossi welcoming Celosia to the group. Apparently his real name is Loopy Larry.
- The salamander Epic Fail continues as first Arin insists a gold-tailed one isn't a gold-tailed one, and then Danny misses it from very close range while it's barely moving.
- The possibility Wander's entire quest arose out of his girlfriend taking too much Nyquil and muttered in her sleep how to awake her.
- Dan's fight against Pelagia:
- The platform bells can ring room service.
I would like some cauliflower, please.
- Dan admiring some fancy foliage when Pelagia shoots him In the Back.
- Arin arguing "saucy" to Danny to get Wander to play chill.
- Wander tiptoeing to avoid Pelagia's attention. It does not work.
- His distinguished salt-and-pepper look, leading to Arin assuming Pelagia dislikes placenta.
- Dan's Goddammit witnessing Pelagia destroy higher ground.
- Speculating on what would happen if a Colossus took too long to die, so that Wander was out of sight by the time the black worm things came out.
"Ah shit, where'd he go?...The forest? I don't know."
- Agro the narrator, with book in hoof.
Argo: (putting on reading glasses) Mmm-hmm. Pfft.
- Arin: I will Agro-vate him.
- Danny messes up his first attempt to jump onto Phalanx's wing, and asks Barry not to put it in.
- After Danny's first shot against him, Arin punctuates Argo's gallop with hand farts.
Arin: He ate too much tofu.
- Becomes a brief Running Gag when Phalanx's floats get arrowed.
Arin: Kings of Comedy! 2017!
- Becomes a brief Running Gag when Phalanx's floats get arrowed.
- Arin's ridicule at Danny during the worst times.
- Danny has a very hard time distinguishing between the buttons to jump or call to Agro, resulting in a Running Gag about how co-dependent Wander is with his horse. The best part is a muffled "Agro?" while his face is in the grass.
- Wander holding up his sword to locate Cenobia, while facing the wrong direction.
- Lampshaded when they first meet, with Danny barely dodging Cenobia's charge.
- The guys getting into a serious, scholarly discussion about the difference between a bitch slap and a pimp slap.
- One of Dan's failed jumps upon Cenobia.
- Upon Cenobia's death, a celebration of Chanukah followed by unexpected barfing.
- Wander attempts to awake Mono with sword slashes, only to be surprised by Agro.
- Dan's reaction to Argus' appearance.
- The Running Gag of Colossi heading to Dairy Queen after losing interest in Wander.
- Dan taking half a minute to climb up a wall.
- Wander in an rising elevator leading up to a Colossus.
- Dan's failed attempt to jump on Argus.
- Argus Ecstasy.
- Near the climax of the Argus fight, Arin's close to barfing on Danny.
- Danny ends two episodes launching Wander from Agro into an abyss.
- Another jab at Dormin:
Danny: YOU WISHED FOR A SHITLOAD OF CHEESE, RIGHT? - Danny asking Arin in song to touch his sween. He says yes.
- Agro Walking Up Stairs-The Song.
- Arin spends the first half of episode 27 praising Agro, which Dan concurs with. Dan goes on to say that he feels he has a personal connection with Agro, and lauds the game designers for managing that. Immediately after, Agro dies. Arin's sadistic laughter reveals this was entirely planned.
- Even better, to someone who had already finished the game, Dan's naivete is rife with unintentional hilarity.
- To make it even better (or worse, depending on how you look at it) when Dan correctly guesses that Agro will come back at the end, Arin straight up lies and tells him that no, she absolutely won't. And then goes on to describe all the horrible physical trauma she might have gone through when she fell, in graphic detail.
- Even better, to someone who had already finished the game, Dan's naivete is rife with unintentional hilarity.
- After falling off a cliff, Danny assumes Wander lands on Agro.
- Danny is so incompetent at getting through the approach to Malus that you'd swear he's trolling us.
- That one moment where he's confident he'll make it is hilarious.
- Imagine a Colossus big as the world, & Katamari Damacy the one to slay it.
- The Taint of the Gods!
- From the Finale:
- Dan's reaction to Malus noticing him.
- Dan's first attempt climbing his arm.
- The Agro Sadness meter's name? Agro-vation.
- Dan bypassing a major climb by jumping to Malus' neck.
- The best part is Malus' shocked expression and little jerk-back, like he can't believe somebody just did that either.
- Arin winking at Dan as the ending begins.
- Lord Emon's crew discussing how Dormin's place smells like bees.
- As Malus' statue crumbles, it releases a fart sound.
Dan: Aw, thank God. I've been holding that in all day.
- Dan's parable of a man letting out one after a long weekend with a girl.
- Arin watching Dan watch the ending.
- Shiskabob him! Bring me the onion rings!
Don't forget the roasted tomat-O!
- After Wander transforms into Dormin:
Arin: Grab that controller, buddy.
Danny: What!
Arin: There's still more game.
Danny: Are you fucking serious?!?
(As the remaining pieces run into the ankles)
Danny: Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!
Arin: Hoo boy! (Yay!) Yummy black stuff! - The best way to seal evil? Duct tape, double layers!
- No, the one to save the day? Agro!
- As the controller vibrates, Danny decides to mash it further into his genitials.
- Mono & the Colossus. By showing them ankle.
- Dan's reaction upon the return of Agro.
What?!...Are you fucking serious? I'm gonna fucking cry right now!
- Dan's so attached to the game, the fake out endings keep annoying him.
- Agro's date with a deer.
- The actual ending: With Dan's permission, Arin releasing a fart held during their current play-through.
- What's up, bitches! What's up, bitches?
- Followed by Arin's story of outhissing an opossum.
- What does Sta-ge Cle-Ar mean?
- Egoraptor has magic inside himself.
- Arin gets Sparkster got red, then dead!
- After getting a 3-up, Arin immediately loses two of the three.
- After Arin beats a robotic mini boss in part 2, he and Danny start making fun of the robot's flailing arms.
- The opening to episode 3. Danny has just obtained a robot ostrich mount.
Arin: You know, the Attorney General says that riding an ostrich is one of the worst things you can do for your health.
Danny: Well, you know what the Attorney General can suck? *Unpauses game, mecha-ostrich takes off at an insane speed* MY COOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK! - Sparkster's wife asking him to come down.
- Then, Danny's emphasis of Sparkster's "genetalia gently waving in the breeze."
- Arin calling Dan Speed Run material.
- Dan & Arin's admission to flexing a bicep while doggystyling.
- Danny recollecting Picture Pages.
Time to get your crayons and your pencils.
- Reggae is made of God, Jesus, and the Holy Saint, Franklin.
- In Part 6, While Danny and Arin are trying to get through Musical Town, they keep falling off the cymbals and getting sent back to the beginning of the section. This is almost always punctuated by a long-
- -that immediately ends after they get sent back to try their luck again.
- Part 6's ending shifting between Driven to Suicide and Toilet Humor.
- Part 7 begins solely on Toilet Humor.
- Dan's first reaction at a certain boss fight.
OMG! Rockem, sockem robots!
- Dan being that guy, which sounds familiar.
- After losing the game, Sparkster's "Yeah, I blew it!"
- Arin's Lampshade Hanging of the endslate.
- Followed by The Stinger full of Fuck It's.
The Goonies II
Super C
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey
- Danny mocking Arin for enjoying choosing their avatar's wardrobe, before getting into it himself.
Arin: Um...I'll give her a bow...the bow is fucking cute!
Danny: (laughing) Proud of you!
Arin: It's going to be blue, dude! Gotta match!
Danny: It's gotta be!
Arin: Alright, earring style, let's see...
Danny: Those are nice!
Arin: You know what? Going with these!
Danny: (giggling) At first, I was facetiously mocking you, but now I'm like, those earrings look good, actually! - The Grumps' volume spike when the game's saving.
- In episode 1, Danny decides to make as many dark jokes as the possibly can. He then makes a joke so dark that they had to put a warning at the beginning of the episode.
Danny: "Do you feel this scepter?" She's actually just, like, under hypnosis and she's jacking off her therapist. (Both laugh)
Arin: "Do you like the texture? It's sort of like a magic lamp! Rub it three times and you can make a wish! What do you wish for?"
Danny: "A towel? Coming right up!" (Both laugh)
Arin: "Do you wish for magical gumdrops to be melting on your face? Here they come!...AaaAAH! Those are nice magic gumdrops!" (Both laugh) I think this episode holds the world record for fuckin' worst-
Danny: Just "Worst!" Just "Worst," Barry give us an award for worst!
(Barry drops a trophy in that reads "Worst Game Grumps. Just...ugghhhhh...")
- Snow White's a booth babe with a certain voice.
- They decide to give Dopey a voice, and everything he says is priceless.
- Later, they interpret "inside the mine" as "inside the mind." Whose mind? Dopey's, they decide. When they continue the Dopey voice, it's under heavy reverb/
- Arin and Danny begin listing the Disney Princesses, such as the girl from Great Mouse Detective, Jodie Foster, Turner & Hooch, Hannibal Lector, The Janitor from Scrubs...
- The possibility realistic outcomes when 8888u dives underwater.
- The Sebastian minigame.
- Ross is the fifth Beatle.
- The incredible difficulty of the Dwarves minigame.
- The Diamond catch game with Unfortunate Implications for black jewels.
- The Grumps notice that 8888u casts a shadow on the ceiling.
- In Real Life, SOMEONE requested they continue this series. Flat "What".
- 8888u repeatedly zapping Cinderella with her wand, while Cinderella comments, "I'm- I'm sure she'll grow out of it..."
- Episode 6's reliance on Toilet Humour.
- Dan's insistence on referring to Iago as "Petey Parrot."
- The Grumps theorize 8888u in Agrabah is really an EDMhead tweaking on drugs.
- Followed by the Overly Long Gag of one character unzipping itself to reveal another.
- The flashback to 1994 in part 7.
- The Cave of Wonders, and the Cave of Meh.
- Imagine The Lion King with a porn spinoff.
Danny: We probably missed our window to make this funny.
Arin: Gash.
(both Grumps lose it)
Danny: I stand corrected. - 8888u ruining everything in Cinderella's world.
- The Grumps desire a certain TED talk, followed by 8888u unexpectedly doing The Slow Walk.
Gauntlet 2
Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers 2
Mega Man 3
- After cracking an Incredibly Lame Pun, Arin almost ends the game.
- Followed by Protoman as a Jewish Mother.
- Arin & Ross' Delayed Reaction to Dan's NY hat.
- In Part 2, Arin demands Dan starts Suddenly Shouting.
- Arin teaches Danny about Beyblading.
- Coming to a T-shirt near you...P.Ha.Ma.To.
- You knew this would get a sequel.
- One time, Arin goes to a craft beer tastery.
- Johnny Derp.
- Danny an Idiot Savant of holes in Part 4.
- An Ominous Visual Glitch appears!
- GameGrumps has an Instagram?
- Could you feel Arin staring at "That's a duck!" Dan?
- Arin's Rant-Inducing Slight involving the placement of a very particular One-Up in the return to Needle Man's stage. It gets to the point where Danny points out that Arin's pissed off despite nothing of particular interest even happening yet.
- No relation to any above entry whatsoever, Arin cries Tears of Joy.
- What kicks balls?
- Dan questions Arin about his abilities.
- Dan's an asshole.
- Dan states the obvious mid-story in Part 8.
- Someone Gifs this in 3, 2, 1...
- Danny opens Part 9 with a Logic Bomb to Arin:
Danny: Wait, if he's a robot, why does he need to blink?
Arin: (Beat) Uhhhhhhhh....
Danny: You have no good answer for that. - Hey! Hey! Hey! woo!
- Meet the Yellow Devil's Crotch Orb.
- Ninja Brian's Not So Above It All.
- From Episode 10, Dan alerts Arin to when his health is low.
- You're in trouble!
- Thank you Dan! wait what sorry
- In the Finale, as Arin fights for his life, Dan wants a sandwich.
- The ending's just one snarky comment after another.
- BunBun did the sound compose!?!
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
- The Running Gag of the Heroic Build Hermit Guru.
- Arin's first encounter with this game.
- Dan's Flat "What" reactions throughout the game.
- Part 2 sees Dan see Arin fight a boss.
- I'm late for class!
- Arin fighitng the spider boss at the start of Part 3
Danny (Voicing the boss): OW!... I'll try over here.
- Dan saying the dungeon tile when in motion wants to make him...
- When they meet a elder and he says "Defeating Ligar will return peace to Argool"
Danny: You're just making up words
- Arin shows Danny the box cover art.
- An enemy gets the Grumps' attention.
This pillar will be mine.
- Danny cracks Arin up by describing the Unique Enemy as looking like a "butt nightmare."
- Danny summons a Flashback.
- Followed by Arin Blowing a Raspberry.
Arin: This is my life. This is my job.
- Followed by Arin Blowing a Raspberry.
- In Part 4, Dan discovers something in the game box.
- Animalized Men Wriggling Eerily.
- That's only the beginning.
- Arin composes the song of the century.
- '''YAAYY!'''
- Such a satisfying ending.
Heart of Darkness
- Arin butchers the fans's names who sent him the game.
- Part One has Dan attempt a Call-Back to another playthrough.
- Dan promotes a new music video. And Ross acts like Ross.
- Arin looks over here.
- What he does once he reaches shore...
- In Part 2, the Grumps meet this game's Mycaruba.
- Of course Danny Sexbang agreeing with Arin to think outside the box, you look for an opening where there is no opening.
- When calling "Next time on Game Grumps" in Part 3, Arin messes around a bit, then accidentally falls in the water where Andy promptly gets eaten by piranhas.
- One moment in Part 4 makes Dan a Nervous Wreck.
This is probably the one. And he's right.
- Imagine the sidekick with Hidden Depths.
- Followed by meeting the rest of Durdee's species.
- As he meets with the elders, Arin tempts fate.
- What's even better is that Arin Tempting Fate coincides perfectly with the Amigo elder Tempting Fate by proclaiming that the Shadows will never find the village.
- Watch on Part 5 as Arin jumps for a vine
- During Part 6, Danny disproves Arin's point.
- This is the one. This totally the one.
This next one is gonna be the one.
- Dan explains the catharsis of the Atomic F-Bomb.
- Part 8 ends with an impromptu dance.
- Don't forget to click that Link!
- An obstacle gives a Call-Back to one of Arin's cartoons.
- In part 10, the Grumps discover that you could just walk across the chain, and they were making it harder for themselves the whole time. Their reactions are priceless.
- Also, the episode begins with Arin passing a hard part. Temporarily.
- In part 11, Danny notes that the game "makes you feel horrible, then it makes you feel so happy... it's an abusive relationship, is what it is."
- Arin's descent into madness includes a Wookie call.
- Surprise!
Good to see you!
- Part 13 has Arin verb a noun and take it to Smurfing levels.
Arin: Aw, shit, I didn't dinkle fast enough! I didn't go into dinkle mode! I didn't press "R" to dinkle! Got it, got it, got the dinkle going... Don't you dinkle creep behind me.
- After completing a puzzle, Dan hears Arin utter A Rare Sentence.
Arin: If I die... bury me... hang my balls from a cherry tree.
- Part 14 is textbook Comedic Sociopathy.
Arin: *Infuriated* AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
Dan: *Laughing*
Dan: I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh! *Laughs* You call me "Danny" so rarely! Like, you must be in a state right now!
Arin: I'm like an angry mother...
- Okay! I'll see you guys later!
- In Part 15, Danny presses Arin's Berserk Button.
- Followed by Arin vs. the squishy machine.
- Arin hopes Part 16's the Finale. It's not.
- Eric Chahi might be evil, but shouted out to the Grumps.
- Dan warns Arin about the obvious.
- Arin's breakdown getting turned Up to Eleven when he finally sees the game's ending.
Arin: For him it was a dream. For me, it was a nightmare.
- The sudden 3D segment gives this reaction:
- Dan has a little chat with the audience while Arin goes to fetch the glasses.
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Metal Storm
Decap Attack
Shovel Knight
- The Grumps channel Rocko's Modern Life in the intro.
- Dan asks Arin if making a remark about Shovel Knight following the code of Shovelry is too much of a "Ross joke".
- A discussion about dinosaur farts concludes Arin might end the world.
- The Shovel Knight sleeps cute.
- Arin shows Danny the Troupple King.
- After witnessing rat copters, Danny paraphrases his dad, having been specifically told not to play the message on the show. He then reads out a couple of text messages, since his dad didn't say anything about those.
- Danny's story, then Arin's hypothetical, about watering cans.
- Followed by Arin destroying a checkpoint, then Dan's Jewish Mother vs. Arin's Call-Back.
Danny: I love being on a ladder, and then treasure just floats into your ass. (Arin loses it) We've all been there.
- The Climax Boss of Part 3 reduced to a School Play.
- Part 4 includes a Gordon Ramsay impression.
- Arin's tease, release, run, & aftermath.
- No, the real aftermath is worse.
- The Grumps notice the background face.
- Arin playing the game inspires one of Dan's stories.
- They lose it to a Youtube video.
- Part 6 has Arin get a hard-to-reach music sheet.
- The Grumps experience Mr. Hat.
- Followed by meeting Mr. Baz.
- Part 8 imagines GameGrumps as a high-demand illegal substance.
- Part 9 imagines an accidental hand injury.
- Part 10 gives Arin's stuff falling over.
- Leading to our lord and savior, Mochisus.
- Part 11 has Dan & Arin explain d-bag behavior.
- Dan finds in the grump room Astroglide.
- Part 13 has Dan drink out of Arin.
- A large part of episode 13 is devoted to two more stories from Dan about he and his father. One about a snow blower back in '96 and one where he asked Dan about where people could buy his music. The latter of the two leaves them both dying of laughter for almost a full minute.
- Spoofy.
- The Grumps try redefining a word.
- Arin's so pro in Part 14.
Here's a tip from the drip!
- The best boss of all time.
- We feel bad that you fucked up!
- Dan offers a dollar to help Arin.
- Part 16 shares Arin's wearing unusual deodorant today.
- Shovel Knight meets Propeller Knight.
- Arin's ending song for Part 16.
- Part 17 has Dan list anti-jokes.
- The same episode also relates a story from a friend of Arin's, OniNG, who was told to write a joke for an elementary school assignment, but had forgotten to do it. Instead, Oni figured out the structure of a joke from the way all the other kids were telling it. When it was finally his turn, Oni's "joke" was "what's the difference between a moodle and a banoodle? Skiboodle!" It caused Arin to choke on his own laughter, and the classroom reportedly thought it was the funniest of all the jokes (though, for some reason, the teacher was really mad at him).
- Part 18 opens on Black Comedy.
- Dan discusses how Arin & women are Aroused by Their Voice.
- Part 19 gives Whatever Man at the Olive Garden.
- Raptor Pro Tip!
- Raptor Easter Egg Hunt!
- Dan wishes he was royalty.
Someone should lick them!
- Part 20 has Arin quote Romeo and Juliet upon meeting the Enchentress.
- Done-yun Rings the song.
- Dan gets loud as the Shield Knight.
- Dan notes Shield Knight's wrong.
- The End screen gives the Grumps an outside experience.
- Game Grumps - Arin and Jon
- Funny/Game Grumps
- Game Grumps - Arin and Danny 2
Disney Princess Mine of Mine Part 5 Game Grumps
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/GameGrumpsArinAndDanny
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